Store Tasting Hours: Fri-Sun 11:00-5:00pm

Winery Tasting Hours: Sat-Sun 12:00-5:00pm

George To Cape Town

Day 13, November 20th, 2022

Marlize gave us a farewell breakfast and then Johnny took us to the gas (petrol) station to meet our Gecko Shuttle.

We were both a little teary eyed as we said good bye to Marlize. Hospitality like no other!

Shuttle to Capetown
The Shuttle to Cape Town
Luggage to Capetown
Our luggage to Cape Town

Took the shuttle from George to Cape Town – a pretty uneventful trip until we got to Cape Town. We needed to get an Uber from the drop off spot to the Mount Nelson, but we had no wifi so could not use the app. I eventually broke down and turned on cellular and paid the $10/day Verizon international charge!

The first Uber would not take us as we had too much luggage so had to order a 2nd.

He was great. Got to the Mount Nelson – oh my……. This has to have been the classiest hotel I have ever stepped foot in, let alone stayed in!

Mount Nelson Hotel
The swanky Mount Nelson Hotel
The red road way they set up for us

After we checked in we were offered a glass of bubbly! Our room was not quite ready, as we had arrived early, so we relaxed in the garden lounge, while enjoing our Bubbly until our room was ready.

 Wow, the room was gorgeous – check out Penny’s video!

Penny directs a video tour of our modest accommodations


A painted Rhino in the garden of the Mount Nelson
The outside lounge Bar
Awaiting us
Where we could have had High Tea

We showered and got ready for the first day of our Elegant Wine Tour.

The welcoming reception for our 6 day wine tour started that evening at 5pm.